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15 de septiembre de 2011
Láminas de Jonh Wood, una vista a los mas bellos paisajes pintados en acuarela en su primera parte
Creditos: EA, TSR, Laminas de Jonh Wood
Contiene archivo Sims3pack y Package
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2 comentarios:
How do I download anything from this site? I've clicked on every word, every picture and practically every blank space and nothing! I've created an account but that seems to be just a login for blogspot and not for this site in particular. Even so, that didn't help either. So frustrating! There are some pretty nice things here I would love to add to my game but, alas....
P.S. I don't speak Spanish and Google translator seems to only want to translate part of the site so I've no idea about a lot on this site! :)
Hello! Excuse me for taking to answer you! Look for all you have to hit the button that says Download, here I leave a picture! Now I hope that if you download stuff from my site ....
Greetings Breeze
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